It’s All About

Welcome to our world,
where everything revolves around effectiveness.

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Regardless of what we do, the results are what count in the end. For us, the outcome must always be positive, and the sum higher than originally anticipated.

We are creating an advertising group capable of providing comprehensive services to clients.
Digital + media planning + SEO + social + buzz + affiliation + performance.
Efficiency is the common denominator of this equation.


They pay us in gold and silver

Our projects are awarded by industry experts, and clients reward us with gold coins for delivered KPIs.

Together as a team

There are no random people here. 80 players - some from another galaxy,
but all firmly grounded. A team that never gets bored. Meet some of them.

Meet the key people

Krzysztof M. Co-founder/ CEO Digital

Co-founder and manager of the Digital part within the Euvic Performance Group. He created a team composed of people of different temperaments, experiences, and ages, but somehow, he managed to transform this collage of personalities into a smoothly operating machine. An enthusiast of aviation history and international relations. In his spare time, he relaxes by driving. He travels by car, bicycle, or skis – sometimes on asphalt, sometimes through bushes.

Maciek T. CEO / Chairman of The Board

A serial entrepreneur, powerlifter, track cycling sprinter, metalhead, free thinker, man of reason, libertarian, and daily chairman of the board of Clickad SA as well as one of the leading shareholders of the group. In the subsidiary companies of Clickad SA, he holds the roles: CEO of the media house Euvic Media, CEO of the performance marketing agency Euvic Effect, and chairman of the supervisory board of the technology company Euvic 360 e-com. He strives to be a true leader for everyone in the group, supporting everyone with advice and experience, regardless of their position and role. He sets development directions, oversees the group's finances, makes major strategic decisions, and is responsible for "his children," whose development he has supported for over 13 years. With 24 years in the industry, he has gained experience in media houses, on both the media side and the client side, before ultimately setting out on his own to build and develop a business according to his own rules.

Jakub M. Chief Operating Officer (Digital)

He honed his skills in the fire of media work. He worked as a film critic for "Cinema" magazine, a journalist for "Men's Health," "Runner's World," and "Aktivist." Then, he decided it was time for other challenges. For the company Polkomtel, he co-created a project for the first open internet television. He has several Webstars awards, a prize for developing a tourist route, and a school contest on knowledge about protozoa. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he sits like a stone.

Artur J. Chief Business Development Officer

Associated with the internet industry for 18 years. He manages the media part of the Euvic Media Group (Euvic Performance). He started at Internet Group, gaining knowledge in the traffic, new business, and strategy departments. He supervised work for many Polish and international brands, including: Totalizator Sportowy, Expander, Millennium Bank, AXA, Vobis, Asus, Komputronik, and Śnieżka. He has been a speaker at many industry conferences. He is familiar with technology and sales as well as media strategy. As he describes himself, he is both an introvert and an extrovert. He is passionate about new technologies and road cycling.

Anna W. Group Account Director

Connected to the advertising industry for 18 years. She possesses practical knowledge that allows both the development of an integrated approach and its implementation. A perfectionist and marketing enthusiast, she pays attention to details, which is why her projects are maximally refined, and the set goal is always achieved. She is passionate about traveling, likes skiing, dancing salsa, and reading books.

Adam K. Head of Buzz Marketing

A buzz marketer on a European scale, as evidenced by his degree in European studies and a fondness for hitchhiking and sailing. When he's not catching the wind in his sails, he helps steer our key clients onto the right course. After work, he sets his course for the next Warsaw restaurants, which he eagerly tests and critically evaluates. His thirst for new flavors is quenched with craft beer, though he humbly does not consider himself a connoisseur.

Dawid J. Media Director

In the media industry since 2007. He worked as a media broker at RMF Group, and for the past 5 years, he has held the position of Media Director at Euvic Media. No industry is too daunting for him. He excels in projects for energy, automotive, telecommunications, as well as for pharmaceuticals and public institutions. He has worked with clients such as LIDL, TESCO, Piotr i Paweł, FCA, Volkswagen Group Polska, Tauron, Orange, GlaxoSmithKline, Polfarma. He is responsible for shaping procurement policy, negotiating with media suppliers and entities representing their interests (ATL + digital), and much more depending on the situation. In his spare time, he "examines" and tests the team's knowledge by asking questions. A lover of mountain activities and travels near and far. He believes that combining analytical and conceptual thinking allows for a holistic view of many issues.

Igor R. Head of Analytics

Motto: "Let's do some KPIs!" pretty much sums up his approach to work. He chose to deal with numbers because, as he says, you can't cheat them. However, you can convince them to work in the client's favor, which Igor tirelessly does. Besides building, implementing, and optimizing media campaigns, he gets ecstatic joy from preparing all sorts of charts and tables. It is rumored that he is currently working on transferring the frescoes from the Sistine Chapel to Excel. In his spare time, he is absorbed with rackets, especially those for squash or tennis. A loyal fan of FC Barcelona – regardless of their position in the standings. It's important that there is a table.

Karolina M. Group Account Director

She thinks while she walks, so she takes a lot of steps every day. In 2020, contrary to pandemic trends, she thought it was time to become more social and switched her 15-year career in media houses to social media. Her prior experience, backed by several Effie awards, however, made the transition very successful. This is confirmed by the SM team itself, which sees her as a steadfast haven, and by satisfied clients. She also uses her rare intuition in musical hit-or-miss: she goes to concerts of unknown bands, which usually then join the ever-widening circle of her favorite groups. Along with her adopted dog, Stefa, she also indulges in interior decorating. For now, though, each does it in her own way.

Marta M. Group Account Director

Her surname obliges: Marta approaches everything she does with maximum dedication and enthusiasm. This is also aided by 10 years at a boutique agency and several other places where she completed her alphabet of experiences and skills—from ATL, through digital, social media, to team management. Now, she transforms her own personal development into the development of key clients, to mutual satisfaction.
Besides, Marta likes almost everything Austrian, especially the Austrian Alps and Viennese cheesecake. To keep the calorie, count right, she relaxes by cycling. Of course, to the max, even if just watching it on TV.

Magda R. Head of social media (Media)

Head of Social Media (Media)
On a daily basis, she coordinates the work of the social media team and is an expert in solving all kinds of problems. Thanks to her many years of experience, topics such as social ads, new media, content marketing, and influencer marketing hold no secrets for her. She works with a team of exceptional people who are professionals in every respect, and nothing is impossible for them! After hours, she spends her time actively—meeting with friends, dancing, but also delivering (increasingly more!) precise punches during boxing training.

Łukasz A. Group Account Director

Head of one of the client teams. He honed his skills with clients such as Polska Grupa Energetyczna, where he was co-responsible for implementing the first chatbot in the energy industry in Poland. He has also worked with brands such as Kruszwica, Złota 44, Mennica, and Media Saturn Holding Polska, and advised many government institutions. After hours, he is a retired football player from the fields of Podlasie, currently playing on Warsaw's small pitches and in "six-a-side" leagues. He claims he will always play, and feels it in his bones.

Krzysztof Ł. CEO (Euvic 360e-com)

E-commerce holds no secrets for him. At Euvic 360 e-com, he created a team of people who are passionate about technology and constantly seek new ways to use it in broadly defined marketing. He has been in the digital industry for over 20 years and, as he says, it still excites him. A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, co-founder of the Internet Industry Employers' Association IAB, and speaker at major industry conferences. Privately a father, husband, cyclist, and motorcyclist.

Michał Ś. Group Account Director

He honed his skills over several years working in media houses, serving both large and small clients. During this time, his main area of expertise was traditional media, but in recent years he decided to enhance it by building skills in online marketing. This experience has allowed him to win several Effie and Mixx Awards. He is characterized by analytical thinking and learning through practice, traits that are desirable both in business and in sailing, which he pursues in his free time.

Hubert P. Media & Communication Strategy Director

He says he has been in the industry so long that he might be facing his high school finals again. From the beginning in digital, always in direct work with clients. He took his first steps in media alongside performance marketing. The dozen or so digital and SEM/performance departments of the media house he led have never gone astray. A working and practical strategist, he fears no job. He offers a broad range of services—from strategies for brewing tea in cold water and eating a doughnut without licking to media areté. He maintains his life-development balance by juggling rackets for badminton, squash, and cross. In his free moments, he sleeps.

Mateusz P. Business Development Director (Euvic 360e-com)

Business Development Director (Euvic 360e-com)
For 16 years, he has been involved in sales and is proud that he has always been able to offer the best and most modern solution available on the market. However, business development is his forte. He never ceases to search for new solutions, always looking for a way to open closed doors. Now, he has set his sights on conquering Europe, and we know nothing will stop him. Outside of work, he is a husband, father of two sons, an active player in amateur soccer leagues, a fan of Real Madrid, and a superfan of the Croatian islands.

Rafał B. Group Account Director

His sporting spirit ensures that he approaches every project with maximum commitment and a focus on achieving goals, whether it's a race, a match, or an advertising campaign. Over 20 years of experience in the industry means that the media hold no secrets from him. He relaxes by engaging in physical work.

Joanna M. Administration Manager

When she says, "cool, I'll handle it," everyone around her calms down. A reliable specialist in all formalities, rapid contract flow, and... moving. So far, she has moved us twice, and after each relocation, the work environment has become better, more efficient, and clutter-free. She honed her extraordinary meticulousness and sixth sense for office space as a notarial trainee specializing in real estate. After switching to "home" mode, she continues to manage, this time focusing on interior design. She tears down, wallpapers, and rescues old furniture from oblivion. And despite the home office season, she has never confused the office with home. In the meantime, she also managed a successful online store,, and when she needs a mental reset, she goes to kickboxing training and turns a troubling whirl of thoughts into submissive peace.

Michał O. Graphic Designer

The creator of the comic "Paper Boys" is an artist not just on paper. Michał's works have been exhibited in Warsaw, Łódź, Luxembourg, and London. It is said that Clint Eastwood himself, upon seeing a graphic of his likeness, said, "You've made my day, punk."
Michał can effortlessly channel his creativity and unique style into social media graphics, web creations, print, or complete visual identity for a brand. And, of course, onto canvas. Actually, anywhere, just give him the opportunity.
When he's not painting at work, he paints at home. He also tries to spend as much time as possible with his two children. It's said that they too can paint quite well.

Sławek M. Analyst and Media planner

As soon as an advertising campaign kicks off, Sławek starts humming "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. He watches its progress at every step, analyzes it, and when necessary, steers it onto the right path. But it's not an obsession, it's professionalism – our analyst graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with a degree in E-business, and his experience with Facebook and Google Ads outlasts the lifespan of most advertising formats on Social Media. It's hard to find an industry in which he hasn't participated in campaigns. After hours, he indulges in analyzing the taste of various ramens and embarks on long bicycle trips. Without analyzing, here it’s all about simple contact with nature.

Gosia W. Account Manager

Her life motto "cool, I'll handle it!" fits perfectly with the realities of agency life, which is probably why she has spent 13 quite happy years in the marketing industry. During this time, she has worked with influencers, managed bilingual conferences, and successfully organized significant off-site events.
She describes herself as an "agency animal." We will only add that she is of a very friendly disposition, but when necessary, she turns into a predator completely focused on achieving the goal.
Supposedly, she knows all the songs from "Name That Tune," but she won't give any titles. As befits a one-woman band, she loves people, music, dance, wine, and singing—in any order.

Nastazja D. Account Manager

The beautiful mind of FFW Communication, our specialist in beauty topics. She knows better than anyone how to comprehensively care for a client's image on social media and beyond. She invents and creates content, takes care of the development and eternal youth of the channels she manages.
Her never-fading enthusiasm acts like a soothing balm on the rest of the team. Of course, it's hypoallergenic. In life, she prioritizes balance, so she spends her free time just as beautifully and actively: dancing, practicing yoga, and capturing the beauty of the world during her travels. She regularly crosses off items from her TOP 100 list, so it will likely soon expand to a TOP 200.

Magda G. Motion Graphic Designer

She constantly surprises us with her unconventional view of reality. A specialist in motion graphics. If she could, she would communicate with the world through them. She describes herself as a contemporary nomad and could imagine living in Iceland, preferably surrounded by a family of lynxes, which she has virtually adopted for herself and her loved ones. Raised on Czech cartoons, she creates charming projects every day that fulfill all the tasks assigned in the brief.

Magdalena R. Graphic Designer

A fantastic illustrator, both literally and metaphorically, as an enthusiast of fantasy genre works, she can enchant with her visions of seemingly mundane topics. In her previous campaigns, she has bewitched with illustrations for websites, newsletters, and banners, confirming her unlimited reserves of graphic mana. With similar imagination, she creates characters for RPG games and prints on various (non)magical promotional artifacts. Her ability to persuade others of her artistic vision is enhanced by practicing martial arts, though regarding her level, we prefer not to ask.

Our Clients

We operate broadly, which is why the circle of our clients is wide.

Projects are as everyone sees them.
Big, tough, and successful.

We don't like excuses. We don't like to compromise. We like results.
Check out our portfolio and see for yourself!

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    big together!